For Mojo Monday - Outside

I just loved this layout so I thought I would use it to make Cecil's Birthday Card. He was born on Nov. 1st but we always do a Halloween theme for his birthday because of the circumstances surrounding his birth....the short version...My oldest daughter was 13 (or rather one month and one week shy thereof) and my next oldest was 1 1/2 and since my (then) husband was on graveyard shift and trying to get some rest before work, my cousin wanted to man the candy bowl and the kids were set to go trick or treating it was up to me to take them. I was 3 weeks past my due date and dilated to 7 and still not in labor. We lived in a hilly neighborhood just on the outskirts of Albuquerque, New Mexico and I was scared to death that my water would break and I would go into labor at any time but this was the first Halloween outing for Brianne so we had to go! I had the stroller ready so off we went...My oldest kept running off and the wheel on the stroller chose that time to come off, I'm trying to haul Brianne around to the houses, pulling the stroller with the bad wheel, big as a house up and down the hills. What a night! Brianne had a great time and I made it through without mishap....although awfully uncomfortable. I got hubby off to work at 11:00 but was too uncomfortable to sleep, finally fell into a fitful nap about 1:00 and woke up at 3:30 with pains starting about 5 min apart.......30 minutes from the hospital and can't get hold of my husband. I got my cousin up and loaded everyone into her car and off we went. Finally made it to the hospital where they hooked me up and then the pains stopped. So off walking I went around and around the delivery ward. The pains finally started up again around 7:00, Hubby showed up not to long after but the pains wouldn't get any closer than 5 min apart......dilated to 8......they finally broke my water at 7:30 and he was born at 7:35. He should have been born on Halloween, I was at the doctors earlier that day....they said they would see me back in a couple of hours since they had taken the Mucous plug out, but I was so stressed that Brianne wouldn't have her first real Halloween that he just had to wait!
So, the skinny on the card is....I used regular colored card stock for the base, the patterned papers are all from the Halloween and Fall pack from DCWV, the Ovals, frame, and "Eerie" are all from the Cricut cartridge "Happy Hauntings" and the image in the oval is from another one of the patterned papers from the same stack as is the image on the inside of the card. No stamping on this card at all.....just cut and paste, unusual for me but it just happened that way. The ribbon is from Offray and the spiders are actually Iron Ons from "Howl-O-Ween" that I found in JoAnn's. I had the inside of the card on here but I did something and it disappeared....oh well, I'll just do another posting! Happy stamping to all and thanks for stopping by.
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